Group - Roughcut


We showed our film at a semi-complete stage to a group of our peers and recorded the feedback given to us on our film opening so far in post-production.

Positive Points

  • The use of fog in the first part of the sequence was effective and gave the film the appearance of a slightly higher production film.
  • The use of sound effectively creates a suspenseful atmosphere during the opening.
  • The animated titles were very effective and fit the style of the film well.
  • The hair raise effect was convincing and had a very creepy appearance. It's slow speed helped to build  up the tension in this part of the opening.
  • The group particularly liked the low angle dolly zoom (slider) shot as the protagonist walks up the aisle.

Points for Improvement

  • Of specific note to us is that most of the group felt that the hair raising section was either too long, or the cutting rate too slow. To reduce running time slightly and stop this section from dragging on we should shorten the clips or increase the cutting rate with the close up shots in this sequence.
  • There is a continuity error between the candle falling shot and the close up of the protagonist after this. To fix this we should cut the close up shot later so that the protagonist's eyes are already looking forward and not down. 
  • Another continuity error is present during the hair raising sequence when one of the close ups shows the protagonist's head moving and the next shot shows it still, and then it starts moving. Again we need to cut this clip a little later to remove the issue.
  • Another significant point for us is that the soundtrack changes very little as the main title comes up, and the majority of the feedback group felt that there should be a change or growth in sound at this point to highlight the titles.


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