For our opening sequence, we are going to have credits appear on screen and the title of the opening sequence. Font is important as it can help to create the atmosphere of the opening horror. For our opening sequence, we have already decided that we want our opening to be set in the 19th century therefore more historic. Therefore, the font we use for the credits and title need to fit with the time period our drama is set in. Serif fonts would be suitable for our opening sequence as it would be fitting with the time period it is set in and serif fonts connote older times. (Serif fonts = a typeface that has a small line attached to the of a stroke in a letter)
Here are the top 4 fonts that I found which I think could be a possibility to use:
(All fonts are from this website unless noted otherwise )

This font is called : Rain Forrest by Billy Argel
It looks as if it could have been hand drawn which could would go with the time period as in the 1900s people would have hand written things.

This font is called: Bell MT that is found in Microsoft Word 2013. This font also looks historic due to the serif typeface.
This font is called: Gatsby by Cassady & Greene. The font is very thin which could create a creepiness to it.
This font is called: 28 Days Later by Fllm Himmel - Jens R. Ziehn.This font looks slightly rough which could create an easiness to it if we were to use it as our font.
Sound is obviously very important for an opening sequence as it contributes hugely to setting the tone of the opening sequence. For the sound, we definitely want to have a soundtrack that is in a minor key. I have noticed that in many horror movies, they use high pitched sounds to create an uneasiness to an audiences ear which helps to create a tone. Also, I have noticed that silence also creates uneasy listening and makes the audience uncomfortable when watching which is what we would want to achieve as we want to use super natural as our sub genre.
A film I have watched called Shutter Island (Scorsese, 2010) uses a piano in a high register to create suspense in one of the scenes. There is not any other instrument except a piano which is a concept that our group should consider. The single instrument playing in the particular scene creates a very chilling atmosphere and is unsettling.
The video on the right is the scene from the film with the piano.
A concept that we as group discussed was if I composed some the music for our opening sequence as I take music technology and have access to the music programmes needed.
- I have experimented making up a short tune. One of the locations our group is looking at, is a church so I have made a short tune using violins and an organ. An organ is a common instrument found in a church, so if we were to film in a church, music featuring this instrument would work well.
- I also experimented making up a similar short tune but only using a piano which I have taken influence from the shutter island music of the YouTube clip I posted. The texture is sparse, which I think is a possible direction our music for our opening could aim for as it creates suspense.
excellent research Mia - well done. Using your knowledge and understanding from Music Tech. will be highly effective for this project.