M.P - Opening scene Analysis - The Shining (Kubrick, 1980)

  • Starts off with an XLS that shows us where the movie will take place.
  • The camera zooms in and sweeps over a lake.
  • There is a birds eye view shot which follows a car travelling along a road surrounded by trees and water. The camera carries on like this at a high angle.
  • The camera overtakes the car and sweeps to the side of the mountain. It then tracks along the road when the car is closer to the destination therefore the opening titles finish.
  • At the end of the opening sequence there is an establishing shot of a big house with the rocky mountains in the background. This suggests to the audience that it is the prime location of where the movie will take place.
Mise-en -scene
  • The location of the place looks isolated therefore no one being present. This is typical for a horror movie.
  • Rocky mountains and trees are shown in the opening sequence, which puts emphasis on the isolation of where it is taking place. This causes a slight tension and mystery to the film.
  • The opening scene is in daylight which is unusual for a scary movie so this causes the tension to be less for the audience. 
  • There is a car being followed by the camera, as the car drives more distance, the weather changes and there is snow on the mountains which connotes coldness and changes the mood and setting of the film to more mysterious.
  • The final shot is of a big house. The big house is a generic place for a horror movie to take place, therefore it starts to build up tension as the audience know that spooky things happen in big houses.
  • The colour of house and the surrounding land/mountains is very grey and dull in contrast to the sky which is a bright blue. This suggests that the film will feature elements of surprise which causes the audience to feel on edge.
  • At the start the music is deep sounding with single notes playing as well as pitch changes. It is very dramatic and fits well with what is being shown.
  • A bit further on in the sequence high pitch sounds can be heard along side the low notes which builds up tension.
  • The high pitch sounds also start to sound like subtle screams which emphasises on the tension.
  • The non-diegetic music plays throughout with the scream sounds starting midway with a sustained one sounding at the end the fading out as the sequence ends on the big house. This sets the dark and mysterious tone for the rest of the film.
  • The music on whole makes the audience feel uncomfortable. Without the music, the opening sequence would not feel as tense. The music, I think, is the main aspect of the opening sequence that indicates to the audiences that the movie will be a horror.


  1. Ms Johnson said...

    Very good comments Mia; Please title as instructed on email and in class

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