- I experimented with practical and typical visual conventional horror effects to produce this image. The mise-en-scene aspects that align this with the genre include the dark tone, silhouetting of the humanoid subject, the unwelcoming orange tones and the inclusion of a bludgeoning weapon.
- Practically, this was a very guerrilla style set up, but with what I believe is a satisfactory result. The setting is my garden, with a tungsten balanced work lamp clamped to a spare tripod behind the figure to provide the backlighting.
- The figure is me with a towel draped over me and an axe, standing in the way of the light.
- The effect is sealed by the use of a fog machine and a long exposure on the camera, which both creates the strange swirling mist effect, and allows the silhouette to be seen at all as the fog was required to give the light something to bounce off.
Blog archive
- K.H. Rosemary’s Baby (Polanski, 1968)
- M.P: Analysing an opening sequence - A Nightmare o...
- H.P - Scream (Craven, 1996) Opening Scene Analysis
- Group - Wilderness Woods Film Short
- Group - Production Log Wilderness Woods
- K.H - Institutional Context - The Evil Dead (Raimi...
- K.H - Psychological Horror
- K.H - Representations of women in horror
- M.P - Institutional Context - The Blair Witch Proj...
- M.P - Moodboard of Supernatural Horror
- H.P Institutional Context - Halloween (Carpenter, ...
- Group - Location Reccie Planning
- H.P - Moodboard of Gothic Horror
- M.P - Horror Research Task, Zombie Horror
- H.P - Conventions of Horror Photography Test
- H.P - The History of Horror
- M.P - Conventions of Horror - Photography
- M.P - Opening scene Analysis - The Shining (Kubric...
- K.H - American Psycho Opening Scene Analysis
- H.P - Jaws Opening Scene Analysis
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very creative harry